The February Sho Fu member meeting will be held on Tuesday the 13th @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:30pm.

Sarasota Florida

The February Sho Fu member meeting will be held on Tuesday the 13th @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:30pm.

This month’s meeting will be a special one as D&L Nursery’s David Cutchin returns as our guest speaker. For those of you who haven’t met him yet, David gave one of our more popular demonstrations in the past and he was last year’s headliner at our Sho Fu Exhibit. He’ll be giving advice to any member who chooses to bring in a tree. If your tree has a health issue, he can help. If you have a styling question, he can help. If you have an aftercare question .. well, you get the idea. These are the best meetings because we get to learn about a plethora of issues, ideas and species all in one sitting. Bring your trees and please bring lots of questions. He’s traveling a long way so let’s make him feel welcome. 

If you’re planning on selling at our March auction and haven’t already obtained the necessary forms, you need to attend this meeting as it will be the last opportunity to get them. If you can’t attend, please arrange for someone to get them for you. Fatima Mayer will have the forms.Also, the auction guidelines are available on this webpage under News and Events on the right side of homepage where they can be viewed/downloaded. Please follow them so we can have a seamless and enjoyable auction.

We will have our raffle this month, so if you want to donate something or purchase tickets please see Fatima for that as well.