The August Sho Fu member meeting will be held on Tuesday the 13th @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:30pm.

Sarasota Florida

The August Sho Fu member meeting will be held on Tuesday the 13th @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:30pm.

We have secured five beautiful prebonsai trees from D&L Nursery for our annual Design By Committee evening! The trees are Premna, Chinese Plum, Taiwanese Boxwood, Water Jasmine and a Florida Privet! We will have five table captains to guide the designing of the trees. You’ll draw numbers to be assigned to a particular table/tree. We’ll then style the trees as a group and at the end of the meeting we’ll have a raffle for the trees. Everyone will be given one free ticket, but you will be allowed to buy more tickets from Fatima if you’d like to increase your chances of winning and help defray some of the costs.