The Sho Fu Member Meeting for September will be held on Tuesday the 12th @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:30pm. See important information about parking below.

Sarasota Florida

The Sho Fu Member Meeting for September will be held on Tuesday the 12th @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:30pm. See important information about parking below.

This month, president Christopher Cosenza will be discussing olive trees, including a styling demonstration and PowerPoint. The demonstration tree, a $100 prebonsai dwarf black olive from Wigert’s, will be raffled by night’s end ($5 tickets). Members are encouraged to bring in their olive trees if they would like to talk about them or if they’d like Chris to give some styling advice.

If you have raffle items you’d like to donate, please do, as it’s a vital source of our income. See Fatima, our raffle director, when you arrive with your items or if you’d like to buy tickets for these items and/or the demo tree.

Also, don’t forget our member-sales option. If you’d like to sell something at this meeting, we request you only bring a couple of items. You are responsible for making change and for paying the club 10 percent before you leave (see Kathrin), our treasurer. 

And finally, if you didn’t see the email from late last month, Palm Avenue has  been closed. You’ll need to enter the Selby south parking lot exactly where we’ve been exiting it for months. There will be a sign set out on Orange Avenue directing you into the driveway. Just remember to turn in where you have been exiting the lot all along.