November Annual Member Meeting – Will be a Zoom meeting and held on the 15th , one week later in the month than usual.

Sarasota Florida

November Annual Member Meeting – Will be a Zoom meeting and held on the 15th , one week later in the month than usual.

Please join us for our November Meeting.  Note that the date, Tuesday, 11/15/22, is one week later in the month than usual.  It will be a Zoom meeting.  As in the past, we will have social time from 6 PM to 6:30, followed by a brief annual meeting to review the annual financial statement and elect a Board member.  The main topic of the meeting will be an interesting and informative presentation on Phoenix Graft/Tanuki Style by both Chris Cosenza and Mike Knowlton.  You will receive an invitation to register and join the meeting by the end of next week.  We look forward to seeing you there!

REMINDER: Sho Fu dues for 2023 are payable by December 31, 2022. Sho Fu is a Bonsai Societies of Florida member society, therefore we owe BSF $15 per primary member on January 1, 2023. Dues may be paid in one of three ways:
– via our website (; select membership type — individual, family (2 related persons), secondary (member of another club), or student. The “Buy Now” Button will direct you to a PayPal login page where you may also choose to pay via credit card instead of PayPal.
– via check, made out to Sho Fu Bonsai, mailed to our treasurer:
– or in person when attending our Holiday Party at Turtle Rock on December 10.
Your prompt attention to this is greatly appreciated.