January Sho Fu Member Meeting @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:00pm – Reminder about (2023 Dues) 

Sarasota Florida

January Sho Fu Member Meeting @ Selby Gardens in the Great Room starting at 6:00pm – Reminder about (2023 Dues) 

The evening’s program will focus on a presentation by Michael Knowlton and Christopher Cosenza on Bald and Pond Cypress trees.

We also want to offer help or advice to any member wishing to show a tree at the March Show/Exhibit. We’ll therefore start the evening at 6pm, before the Cypress program begins. This will be your chance to bring in a tree you would like to display for the Sho Fu Show/Exhibit in March but have not yet had a chance to submit. While we would appreciate if you can submit a tree BEFORE the meeting, this is the time to ask questions about your submission for display. We urge you to submit a tree to Allen Schmidt– attached is the form including email address where to submit. If you have already sent your submission, no need to bring your tree unless you have specific questions.

A final reminder that Dues are due!! Especially if you are planning to show a tree and have not renewed, please do so either on our website (www.shofubonsai.org), or bring in check or cash to the January meeting. Single membership is $45, a family of two is $55, and secondary (member of another club) is just $30. You are automatically members of the Bonsai Societies of Florida with your Sho Fu membership, and that payment was due today, so don’t delay! We will drop those who have not renewed from the email list in February.