May 10th Member Meeting – @ Selby Gardens with a special guest starting at 6:30pm

Sarasota Florida

May 10th Member Meeting – @ Selby Gardens with a special guest starting at 6:30pm

We are very fortunate to have David Cutchin as our presenter for the May 10 meeting at Selby Gardens starting at 6:30 pm in the Classroom (same venue as last month).  David is a 6th generation Floridian, and a second generation bonsai grower and professional.  He was born and raised in the FL panhandle, then moved to central Florida in 2011 to study horticulture at UF.  He then had an 11 year career with the Forest Service.  He has a particular specialization in the uniqueness and diversity of Florida’s growing climate, because Florida is the most diverse state in the US in which to practice bonsai.   David has worked with David Van Buskirk at D & L Nursery, and with Ryan Neil at Bonsai Mirai over the last ten years.

His program on Tuesday evening will include a detailed description of a unique and very interesting program, The Florida Collective.  This program will take place on Saturday afternoon at the BSF Convention. You should also look forward to fascinating stories about his experiences working with Ryan Neil at Bonsai Mirai.  On Tuesday night David will also demo a tree which will be raffled at the end of the program.