January 2022 Member Meeting – @ Selby Gardens on January 11th
January’s meeting topic will focus on our upcoming show and exhibit which will be held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Venice in April. We want as many members as possible to exhibit a tree. This year there will be a special area in the Exhibit for members who have three or fewer years of experience in bonsai and who may not have ever formally displayed a tree. If you have an appropriate stand and jita for your companion plant, please bring them with your tree to the January meeting. If you don’t have these items, we will try to match you up with some that will be on loan from our other members. We will spend time talking about each tree and give advice on what is felt needs be done to have your tree ready in time for the show in April. Now is the time to start working on them!!!
The meeting will start at 6:30pm
Note: (Remember as long as you are vaccinated and boosted, you are not required to wear masks).